Bronston, Kentucky Vacation Rental Property - MLS 17007
Vacation Rentals » North America » United States » Kentucky » Bronston Vacation RentalsMLS 17007 (WBC-WBLV)
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms,
Property Type: Condo , Gated Community , ResortSquare Feet: 1045.30
Location: 94-4 Woodson Bend Resort Bronston , Kentucky 42518 United States
Asking Price: $159,900.00
Contact Information:
Lake Cumberland Realty
Phone: (606)-561-5335
Alt Phone: (800)-688-5737

94-4 3BD/2BA 94-4 $159,900 Lowest price 3 bedroom unit on the lake with large golf cart storage, updated kitchen and two baths. Handicap accessible, no steps. Lots of parking |
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